Electronic Accounting Logistics

Offered by Caspel logistics system enterprise is designed for effectively integrating the procurement of equipment and supplies materials needed for your business effectively uninterrupted work. The proposed product also tracks and maintains records of issue and secure for employees of the funds received for carrying out the claimed process steps.


The product structure consists of several IT-systems developed to simplify the procurement process, taking into account the material means and the control of their use in the enterprise. Implementation of the system will allow you to obtain the following benefits:

  • administrative costs reducing and to poor the routine burden to the supply department staff;
  • improve efficiency due to electronic documentation switching;
  • to establish effective control over the acquisition and consumption of material resources.

The introduction of the logistics electronic system - the key to your business, whether a small business firm or corporation with dozens of branches and subsidiaries.

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Optimization of procurement and accounting of material values

Implementation of the proposed solutions will bypass the typical problems encountered in this field of business through an integrated approach to the following issues:

  • optimization and cost reduction for the maintenance department of logistics;
  • reduction of time expiring on the design, processing and delivery of orders;
  • reducing fragmentation, development and implementation of a unified procurement strategy;
  • increasing the transparency of the department by the company's management and control of the supply;
  • systematization of accountability and responsibility for the use of material and technical means.

We relied on the experience of the most successful global solutions in the system developing, with the introduction of its own developments, based on the local realities of doing business. Using the system will in a short time to conduct a systematic reorganization of the department of supply and improve the efficiency of centralized procurement management across the enterprise.

The system is versatile and is designed to improve the efficiency of the department of logistics companies of any size and specialization.

Integration Solutions

Costs reducing

Reducing of costs without loss of quality free resources for business development

Increased productivity

A wide range of the system project services in the field of information technology and telecommunications infrastructure construction

Business Process Automation

Modern business practice eliminates the possibility of errors provided by the human’s factor fault
